AI and Advanced Analytics solutions for life science

Raven biosciences lets you join the AI revolution

We are a boutique consulting company that offers rapid and bespoke development of full AI solutions for diagnostics and biotechnology companies.

Our domain experts combine technologies from bioinformatics, cheminformatics, computational chemistry, high-performance computing and machine learning to bring the power of AI to your business needs.

Transform and accelerate your development with AI

Many companies struggle to adopt AI technologies as they do not have internal resources necessary to develop and manage advanced analysis solutions. Raven biosciences gives your business fast access to otherwise inaccessible AI technology and allow you to be part of the AI revolution in biotech with solutions that maximize the impact and value creation in your company.

We provide turn-key solutions with computational infrastructure for even the most demanding applications in life-science thereby alleviating the need to invest in expensive infrastructure or to build large specialized internal IT departments.

AI is transforming drug and molecule development


Annual rate of expansion of AI-fueled drug development


Small molecule drugs now in the discovery pipeline of AI-first companies


AI-first drugs already in clinical trials